Leftover veg? May we tempt you with tempura?

Tiggys Kitchen


INGREDIENTS Scratch Swaps*
50g corn flour
50g plain flour
100ml cold fizzy water Normal water
Pinch of salt and pepper
500ml vegetable oil Sunflower oil, ground nut oil
Rubies in the Rubble Chilli Mayo Rubies in the Rubble Garlic Mayo
Vegetables of your choice

* We’ve borrowed the phrase from our Aussie pals, where Scratch meals involve raiding your fridge to make something delicious. So, Scratch Swaps are here to help you fight food waste by using the food you have in before buying more!


1. Mix the ingredients for the batter and heat oil in a deep pan. You only need a few centimetres of oil, but the deep sides keep it from spitting and potentially burning.

2. Prepare your veggies into slices.

3. Once the oil is hot, dip you veg into the batter making sure it is all covered, then gently place it in the oil dropping it away from you.

4. Cook for 3-4 minutes then remove and place on a kitchen to remove excess oil.

5. Add a few dollops of Rubies in the Rubble Chilli Mayo to a bowl and get dunking.